Nov 14 & 15: Lanier Food Drive
Nov 15: Parent Teacher Social, 5PM @ Kirby IceHouse PURCHASE TICKETS
Nov 19- 8th Grade Parent "IB Service in Action" Virtual Meeting (TEAMS LINK)
Nov 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
Dec 6: General PTO Meeting, 830AM, Lanier Library
Dec 10: HISD School Choice Applications Open
Dec. 12: Piano Winter Recital, 6pm, Lanier Auditorium
Dec. 18: Orchestra Winter Concert, 6pm, Lanier Auditorium
Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. The Executive Board officers for the upcoming 2024/25 school year are:
The officer positions and duties are:
PRESIDENT- sets the agenda for and presides over Executive Board and general meetings
and serve on the Budget Committee.
PRESIDENT-ELECT- commits to serve as the next President, serves on the Budget
Committee, and chairs the Nominating Committee.
TREASURER- makes reports at each meeting, chairs the Budget Committee and assists in
preparing the budget, prepares and files state and federal tax forms, purchases and maintains necessary insurance, keeps records of all LMS PTO financial transactions and make financial information available to members.
SECRETARY- responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including the taking of
minutes at meetings, sending out meeting announcements, and distributing copies of minutes and agendas to board members.
PARLIAMENTARIAN- ensures that all bylaws and standing rules are upheld and revised as needed, serves as chair of bylaws revisions committee and rules on any point of procedure according to Robert's Rules of Order.
VP OF FUNDRAISING- oversees fundraising activities and events and serves on the Budget Committee.
VP OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT- serves on the Budget Committee and chairs the Audit Committee.
VP OF VOLUNTEERS- coordinates all volunteers for LMS PTO activities, maintains a roster of all LMS PTO committees and chairs, confirms VIPS clearance of committee chairs, and collects and preserves plans of work from all committees.
VP OF COMMUNICATIONS- coordinates internal communications between the Executive Board and members, oversees external community communications, and oversees the website, social media accounts and online activity of LMS PTO.
VP OF SOCIAL EVENTS- coordinates and oversee all social (non-fundraising) activities of LMS PTO.
HISD LIASON- attends or observes necessary district meetings and facilitates communication between LMS PTO and HISD.