• Feb 25: Track & Field Tryouts (rescheduled), 4PM @ Lanier Fields 

    Feb 27, Mar 3 &4: Cheer Tryouts 

    Feb 28: Parlez w. the principal (limited seating) 

    Mar 6: Great Eight Class Photo, 830AM

    Mar 10-14: Spring Break, NO SCHOOL

    May 10: Great Eight Dance (8th graders ONLY) 

    June 3: 8th Grade Field Trip 

    June 4: 8th Grade Promotion & Brunch 



“Raise Your Paws for A Cause” Annual Fundraising Campaign!

August 26 – September 30


Click here to donate today!


Lanier’s annual school fundraiser is ON!

YOUR donations impact EVERY student at Lanier!


Last year, the Lanier PTO provided funding for projects such as:


Campus Improvements

  • New picnic tables & benches on the patio
  • Power washing and window washing
  • Interior building paint
  • LMS exterior banners (coming soon!)

Curriculum and Classroom Support

  • Supplemental teaching resources (software & online teaching tools)
  • Annual teacher allotment for classroom & teaching supplies
  • Teacher training

LMS Culture and Community

  • Monthly teacher lunches
  • Parent education speaker series
  • Traffic & safety control
  • Student & parent social events (Homecoming & Parent-Teacher Social) & Community Nights


2022-'23 Raise Your Paws for a Cause Donor Levels:

$25 Atta Pup LMS locker mirror & sticker
$50 Courage Counts LMS keychain plus above
$100 Soulful One LMS Cord / Pencil Pouch plus above
$250 Adventure Seeker 1 raffle ticket for parking spot plus above (must donate by the Sept. PTO meeting to qualify)
$500 Total Traveler LMS water bottle, coffee with the Principal plus above
$1,000 Worldly Wise 4x8 personalized brick plus above
$2,500 IB Brilliant 2 tickets to spring Lanier auction plus above
$5,000 Global Star 4 reserved seats at a 2023 LMS event plus above


Added bonus! Donate at one of the following events and get your paws on some extra swag (while supplies last).

  • The Lanier Parent Coffee Social: Friday 8/26 beginning at 8:45am
  • The Lanier Movie Night:  Saturday 9/10 beginning at 7pm


In addition, donate by September 16 for your child to receive a one-day dress pass at school.


Paws itching to donate now?  We hope you Raise Your Paws with us!


  • _______________________________________________________________________________________

Retail Fundraising Programs

If you shop at any of these retailers, please take a minute to sign up for these programs, which donate a percentage of your purchases back to our school or PTO. The more families that participate, the more we will earn!




If you shop at Amazon, please take a minute now to go to smile.amazon.com and register Lanier Middle School Parent Teacher Organization as your charitable organization. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Lanier PTO.




Attention Kroger shoppers! It’s time to re-enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards program. It’s an easy way to earn contributions for Lanier at no cost to you, every time you shop, but everyone must must re-enroll each program year, which coincides with the school year. After you have signed up this year, you’ll see a message at the bottom of your receipt each time you shop at Kroger that confirms you are contributing to the Lanier Middle School PTO in 2018-2019.
Please sign up today! Enrollment is now online only, and it takes just a minute or two. Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com and click “Enroll Now.” The code for Lanier is YY100. Please email this info to grandparents, friends, and neighbors who shop at Kroger and ask them to sign up to support our school as well!
Randalls Good Neighbor Program
If you shop at Randalls, please be sure to link your Remarkable Card so that a portion of your purchases will be donated to the Lanier PTO. It’s FREE money for our school at no additional cost to you! Click here to print out your Good Neighbor Program form. Fill it in with charity number 6169 for Lanier PTO and take the form to the courtesy booth at your neighborhood Randalls store. Then use your Randalls card for purchases as usual and they’ll take care of the rest! Please forward this info to relatives, friends, and neighbors and ask them to support our school when they shop as well.
Office Depot/OfficeMax Give Back to Schools Program 
Lanier earns credits equal to 5% of your qualifying school or office supply purchases to use for free supplies. Please take a minute now to enter Lanier’s school ID number in the notes app on your phone so you’ll have it handy when you’re making a purchase at OfficeMax or Office Depot. Then each time you shop at Office Depot or OfficeMax in the store, online, or by phone, give Lanier’s school ID number: 70098333 Click here for more information about the Give Back to Schools program.